All CRC Articles

June 4th, 2024
Mailloux/Poirier Triumph in Challenging Conditions at Rocky Mountain Rally 2024

The Rocky Mountain Rally, held last weekend near Invermere, British Columbia, proved to be a grueling test of skill, endurance, and strategy for the 21 participating teams. Nestled in the breathtaking yet challenging terrain of the Canadian Rockies, the rally featured a series of dramatic turns in the mountains, as teams fought for victory and valuable championship points.

April 17th, 2024
L’Estage Returns with Rallye Perce Neige Win

With a stacked field of previous National Champions, international talent, and top level competitors, the 2024 edition of Rallye Perce Neige Maniwaki kicked off the 2024 Canadian Rally Championship in style. With an unusually warm winter, the roads were a mix of dry tarmac and ice-covered gravel, leaving no room for error. New for 2024 was a two-day format, featuring over 260km of competitive stages.

December 17th, 2023
“Suburarri” Screams to Big White Rally Win

The final round of the 2023 Canadian Rally Championship convened at its traditional location at Big White Ski Resort near Kelowna, BC. Recent snow ensured a slippery and snowy event, but the lack of significant snowbanks would catch a few teams out over the course of the weekend.

November 27th, 2023
Mailloux skates to win at Rally of the Tall Pines

Known as the toughest day in Canadian Rallying, the 2023 Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines in Bancroft, ON, lived up to its storied reputation. Never has the old adage “winter roads, summer ditches” been more appropriate. A combination of smooth roads and a pre-event flash freeze made the high-speed, jump filled stages a skating rink, testing the skills and bravery of all 26 teams entered in the sixth round of the Canadian Rally Championship. The championship saw its sixth different winner in as many races, showcasing the depth of the competition this season.

October 23rd, 2023
Vincent emerges victorious at Rallye de Charlevoix

The beautiful autumn waterfront scenery in La Malbaie, QC, represented a stark contrast to the attrition-riddled grind that was Rallye de Charlevoix, round five of the 2023 Canadian Rally Championship. Challenging roads combined with heavy rain made it a game of survival for most of the 36 teams entered in the weekend-long event. Throw in some high-speed tarmac sections and hundreds of fans cheering for courage, and surprise results were guaranteed.

September 14th, 2023
Besner best at Rallye Défi Petite Nation

Masters of risk management, Jean-Sebastien Besner and Yvan Joyal knew where to push and where to play it safe. They leveraged the speed and reliability of their new Fiesta to good effect, running a completely drama-free event from start to finish.

July 5th, 2023
Levac launches to Rallye Baie des Chaleurs win

The teams of the Canadian Rally Championship were joined by Mexican teams from the NACAM Championship to bring the heat to New Richmond, Quebec at Rallye Baie des Chaleurs. Celebrating it’s 45th Edition in 2023 with almost fifty entries, the third round of the Canadian Rally Championship presented a classic combination of challenging roads, humid weather, changing conditions, and plenty of attrition. The legendary Camp Brulé and Saut Du 5 spectator areas were packed with fans to watch it all go down despite frequent rain showers.

June 22nd, 2023
Deen Duo Claim Repeat Rocky Mountain Rally Win

The Canadian Rally Championship returned to action at the 50th anniversary of Rocky Mountain Rally, round 2 of the 2023 championship. After the most recent editions were hosted in Alberta, the rally made a popular return to the Columbia Valley, British Columbia. The later calendar date meant the teams faced hot temperatures and dusty, rough roads.

February 6th, 2023
Moreau freezes out the competition at Rallye Perce Neige

A deep polar airmass brought extreme cold temperatures to Maniwaki, Quebec the night before the start of the 2023 Canadian Rally Championship at Rallye Perce Neige. Undeterred by temperatures hovering near -40C, 28 teams took to stages presenting a mix of hard-packed snow and ice. Hearty fans were waiting out in the woods to cheer them on.

December 11th, 2022
Dickinson delivers at Big White Winter Rally

The season finale of the 2022 Canadian Rally Championship saw dramatic action in ideal winter conditions at the Big White Winter Rally. High snowbanks and fresh snow greeted competitors for the one-day event on the roads around Big White Ski Resort near Kelowna, BC. The event featured a morning loop of stages, followed by night-time action on one of the longest stages in the Canadian championship, featuring 36 kilometers flat out through tight snowbanks and hairpin turns.