2020 Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines Cancellation

2020 Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines Cancellation

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

It is with regret that Maple Leaf Rally Club must announce the cancellation of the 2020 Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines, Bancroft, ON.

Provincial restrictions put in place to control COVID-19 are fully justified, but make it virtually impossible to guarantee a safe event that complies with the regulations. We explored various options – shorter route, virtual meetings, less shared volunteer accommodation, no spectator areas nor VIP program – but in the end, running the event and keeping the same high standards that competitors, volunteers and the community have come to expect from Tall Pines was not possible. The rally truly values our strong relationship with the Town of Bancroft and the surrounding townships and municipalities and we do not want to jeopardize that nor do we want to put the community at risk.

We have many people and organizations to thank for their strong support of our efforts, including our sanctioning rally bodies, partner municipalities, sponsors, landowners, competitors and volunteers.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

We will be back next year for our 50th running! Mark November 19-20, 2021 on your calendar.

The Tall Pines Committee



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